WASHINGTON D.C. – Damon T. Hewitt, President and Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, released the following statement following reports that President Donald Trump removed two commissioners from the five-member bipartisan, independent Equal Employment Opportunity Commission before the expiration of their Congressionally directed terms, leaving the group without a quorum. President Trump also removed the Commission’s general counsel:
“The Lawyers’ Committee condemns President Trump’s unprecedented removal of two commissioners from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, as well as the firing of its general counsel. The president is abusing his power by eliminating leaders who are unwilling to help him weaponize federal anti-discrimination agencies. These deeply experienced leaders were essentially fired for doing their jobs too well.
“Make no mistake, this is yet another assault on civil rights protections and an attempt by this administration to turn the clock back on hard-won progress to ensure our workplaces are free from discrimination. Trump’s decision to severely weaken the EEOC renders the institutional body unable to effectively do its job.
“For Black workers and others from historically targeted communities, the EEOC serves as a vital safeguard against unlawful workplace discrimination. Each year, thousands of workers across this country are forced to endure discrimination based on their age, race, gender, gender identity, and other protected categories – many times in ways that make it difficult for them to earn a living wage or speak up without some form of retaliation. The EEOC exists so workers can be protected and realize their potential to thrive in the workplace and beyond.
“With rates of racial discrimination remaining steady and sex discrimination surging in the past decade, it is imperative that agencies tasked with handling civil rights violations are maintained and strengthened – not dismantled.
“The Lawyers’ Committee remains unflinching in its commitment to protecting all workers, especially those in the Black community and other historically marginalized groups. They deserve the ability to seek justice when their rights are violated.”